The Project Management Game - Discussion
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127) Robc on 2018-06-27
Indeed Matt, I originally tried an updated version that was too complex and people lost interest in playing. The updated version that I am working on now will have a few more tasks, variable per project, split tasks, and a few more options for staff. But this time I intend to keep the basic game mechanic and approach the same, simple. I am glad the game helped you open your meeting. Thanks for sharing! and indeed... Kathy is awesome! smile Robc.
128) Maral Ghahremani on 2018-06-30
I really like the game, it was very helpful and well designed
129) Craig Williams on 2018-09-01
Extremely thought provoking --
How to determine velocities (speed) in real life so that my "Kathy"'s are identified and nurtured?
How to determine when "Mark" can excel or when it is time to replace him with someone more like "John"? "Mark" has been loyal to the company but where can he bring a better return on cost?
Why is "Rudy" still working here? He isn't working on MY projects ... so what the hell does he DO all day/week? We aren't running a charity (unless we are, and even then he's probably not the goal of charity)

Thanks for this. Definitely a conversation starter!
130) Robc on 2018-09-06
Loved your comment Craig! Indeed, why does Rudy still work here? smile I hope to keep the simplicity in the game while adding just a little more flavor in future versions. Thanks for playing and for your thoughts. Robc.
131) Claudio on 2018-09-12
It would be great if you can pause the game so you can analyse and teach.

Great job
132) Robc on 2018-09-12
Claudio, I have an education variant of the game with the ability to pause. If you send me an email then I can grant you access to this special version.
133) Naumi on 2018-10-04
This game is great, it gave me a practical feel of Project planning.I took more tasks and placed them on the Ann because is an average resource among the rest.This was a mistake in a way as now Ann was not able to get to the second task. I did stay within budget.
134) Robc on 2018-10-11
I uploaded a small update to thatPMGame today. Player name registration is improved, leaderboards are improved, added a pause button to the game, reduced reliance on cookies, minor formatting, text, and graphic tweaks. I also added a slight pause between the time the game loads and when you can hit the start button. This is mainly to help players with slower connections who found the game would break sometimes if they started playing before the page was fully loaded.

I am still working on a larger update to add a little more complexity to the game... this update was just to fix little things that were crying out for attention.
135) MR on 2018-10-19
The game is really good! Can you explain the logic behind it's alghoritm?
136) Robc on 2018-10-19
I am glad you like it! The game is patterned after real life projects although greatly simplified. Time marches on. Tasks cost money to complete in this case proportional to their length. Staff work to complete tasks at a certain temporal rate and fiscal rate. There really isn't much more logic involved, and I would argue that these concepts are the foundation to understanding good project management. After these simple relationships are understood and understood deeply then a PM student can move on to the more complex concepts of project management. My sense is that many curricula skip this step. I hope to call attention back to it.
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