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Today's Best PM, Jan 09
Planner2740 completed 4 projects worth $3,408,000
Top players (7 days)
1) Waterfall8459 (30 @ $24,982,000)
2) iman.tarmizi (18 @ $15,486,000)
3) Timeline5945 (16 @ $13,681,000)
4) Gantt5560 (16 @ $13,462,000)
5) Resources8919 (16 @ $13,268,000)
6) Planner5343 (16 @ $13,220,000)
All-time best PMs (registered only)
1) Spec007 (1181 @ $1,000,795,000)
2) SLC-24-001 (703 @ $598,918,000)
3) Jeff Bezzos (515 @ $434,478,000)
4) Azim (498 @ $421,182,000)
5) LuisGarcia (446 @ $379,986,000)
6) Elon Musk (407 @ $343,006,000)