The Project Management Game - Discussion
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235) Maxine on 2022-06-27
Fun game, easy to understand, helps quantify effective budgeting and resource allocation successfully and easily.
236) Sehlorana Penester Tjale on 2022-06-28
The game was exciting and actually gave me the experience of allocating my staff members according to their capabilities. It also made me realize how real the scenario is in a real work environment as many Project managers burn out many of their staff members in order to save the company money.
237) Issa on 2022-07-23
Just discovered this simulation game very interresting ... Guest now i can run my poor country!! lol!!!
238) Issa on 2022-07-23
Sometimes it write that you are overbudget when you arent
239) Shyleene on 2022-07-29
Very interesting
240) Ping Yu Chiu on 2022-08-26
This game is exciting. we have to think about how to let our employee to do their best, and also need to control the budget and time. It is actually help me to learn the experience of assigning employees according to their abilities. It also made me realize how real this link is in a work environment. I think many project managers destroy employees in order to save the company money.
241) Tima Zhorobaev on 2022-08-26
This simple game of random outcomes shows what mistakes can cause projects to fail. There is a popular phrase like "time is money" for every delay, many plans in a project can change completely and we are talking not only about deadlines but also about the budget. In my opinion, this simple game will be useful for many novice project managers to look at possible random cases of different events from which further analysis can be done.
242) Eucharia on 2022-08-27
The game is really challenging. it makes you know your staff strength and their capabilities, the staff that can multi-task and the ones that cannot. it also made me understand that many projects are time bound, the way project A was handled, when applied to project B, you might not get the same feedback.

Kathy- $180K
VICKY- $144K
Kathy- $178k
Kathy- $148k
jane- $82K


Under Budget
243) Eucharia on 2022-08-27
You cannot determine the success of a project by the previous project done. i love game.

Kathy $192K
Kathy $117K
Kathy $229K
Jim $128K
Kathy $122K


OK $788K
244) Lee on 2022-08-27
It really allows you to rethink your resources and budget vs the project scope and activities.
Mine was OK @800k
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299 comments found.

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